THOMAS HOUSTON associates, inc.

Course Checkout

EEO Complaint Investigations in the Transit Industry

FTA Revised Circular 4704.1A requires a robust EEO program complete with an EEO Official who will investigate complaints and oversee the program itself.   Additionally, the Circular requires EEO training for the EEO Official and all individuals investigating EEO complaints. This webinar was expressly designed for the transit industry.  It covers the types of EEO complaints; forms of discrimination; complaint processing; development of an investigative plan; document review; interviewing techniques for the complainant, witnesses, and the accused; common mistakes to avoid in investigations; and the DOT/FTA complaint process.  Employer-specific policies/guidance would supplement this EEO investigative training module.

Recertification Hours: 1
Duration: 1 Hours
Audience: Data, HR, Manager, Sr. Level, Supervisor